The Foundation for Nager and Miller Syndromes

Nager & Miller Syndrome Genetic Research

Current Research Projects

The Foundation for Nager & Miller Syndromes is pleased to announce that researchers have identified the location of the gene mutation that causes Miller Syndrome!  Through a partnership between the University of Washington and Seattle Children's Hospital Research Center, researchers were able to collect and analyze genetic material in a new way.  The study involves the use of a new gene sequencing technique called xome sequencing.  Researchers are now in the process of recruiting participants for the same type of study aimed at locating the gene or gene mutation(s) that may cause Nager Syndrome.  Furthermore, an additional research project running at the University of Washington involves the study of zebra fish to help determine the likely cause of Nager Syndrome.  Both studies have requested participants for DNA donation.  We encourage families to contact FNMS or either of these institutions for more information regarding these studies.

FNMS is currently supporting two separate genetic studies:

Research Study 1: Seattle Children's Hospital DNA sequencing »

Research Study 2: University of Washington Research Study »


For more information on Nager and Miller Syndromes contact us  »